On August 29, France took significant legal action against Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov, charging him with a range of serious violations linked to the messaging platform. The allegations include facilitating the distribution of child pornography and enabling drug trafficking, leading to a travel ban that prevents him from leaving the country. Following four days of intensive questioning, Durov was released but remains under strict conditions.
Legal Proceedings and Allegations
The French prosecutor, Laure Beccuau, outlined the scope of the investigation, which suggests Durov may have been complicit in various criminal activities. These include:
- Facilitating the organized dissemination of child pornography.
- Enabling drug trafficking operations.
- Engaging in fraudulent activities.
Moreover, Telegram faces accusations of failing to cooperate with law enforcement, which includes allegations of money laundering and providing cryptographic services to criminal entities. Durov’s arrest occurred on August 24 at Le Bourget airport, as part of a broader inquiry into organized crime. He was subsequently released on bail set at 5 million euros (approximately ₹46,71,01,043), with the stipulation that he remain in France and report to police bi-weekly.
The initial charge against Durov pertains to “complicity in managing an online platform to allow illicit transactions by an organized group.” According to reports from the Associated Press, preliminary charges under French law indicate that magistrates possess substantial evidence suggesting a crime has occurred, yet they allow for additional investigation before reaching a verdict.
Telegram’s Response
In response to the allegations, Telegram has issued a statement labeling the claims as “absurd.” The messaging service emphasized that Durov has “nothing to hide” and frequently travels throughout Europe. The company asserted, “It is absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform,” reflecting a firm stance against the accusations.
In a separate matter, Durov is also under investigation for alleged “serious acts of violence” towards one of his children during a visit to Paris with his ex-partner, the child’s mother. This complaint adds another layer of complexity to the ongoing scrutiny surrounding Durov, who has faced legal challenges in multiple jurisdictions, including a previous complaint filed against him in Switzerland last year.