How to get and use Breeze rods in Minecraft

How to get Breeze rods in Minecraft

To get Breeze rods in Minecraft, you need to find and beat a Breeze. This mob can only be found in Trial Chambers, so the first step is tracking one of these rare structures down. Once you find a Trial Chamber, you need to venture around until you locate either a Breeze or a Breeze spawner. You can distinguish the Breeze spawner from other ones by looking for a swirling tornado shape in the middle of it.

There should generally be around one to two Breezes out and about in the Trial Chamber as soon as you enter, so if you don’t see one right away, make sure you’re checking every corner since these structures can be pretty vast and confusing. If you still don’t see one, hang around a Breeze spawner until one decides to appear. Every Breeze you defeat can drop anywhere between one and two Breeze rods for you to collect. If you have the Looting enchantment on your Sword, you can boost these odds a lot higher for each level of Looting you have.

– For Looting I, you’re guaranteed two to four Breeze rods.
– For Looting II, you’re guaranteed three to six Breeze rods.
– For Looting III, you’re guaranteed four to eight Breeze rods.

Although the Breeze mob is pretty similar to the Blaze in the Nether in most ways, your odds of getting a Breeze rod are a lot better than your odds of getting a Blaze rod. With the Blaze, there’s only a 50 percent chance you’ll get a Blaze rod each time one is vanquished, but the Breeze is guaranteed to give you at least one of what you’re after every time.

What are Breeze rods used for in Minecraft?

Breeze rods can be used to craft four different items in Minecraft:
– The Mace melee weapon.
– The consumable wind charges ranged weapon.
– Various types of wind charging potions.
– The flow armor trim.

You don’t need Breeze rods as often as you need other key materials like wood, stone, Iron, and Diamonds, but you do need a decent amount of them to make any of these special items. Because of this, it’s best to stock up on as many as you can get whenever you venture into a formidable Trial Chamber.

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How to get and use Breeze rods in Minecraft