Arrowhead Games Announces Major Update for Helldivers 2
Earlier this year, Helldivers 2 developer Arrowhead Games revealed that they would be slowing down their update schedule to focus on delivering more substantial patches. Today, they announced The Escalation of Freedom, a significant free update set to launch next month.
The update will introduce new enemies, mission objectives, a fresh biome, a higher difficulty level, and a unique votekick protection system. The trailer for the update showcases some of the new features, including a giant tank with an artillery battery and a new spooky swamp biome.
One of the most intriguing additions is the Super Helldive difficulty level, where players will face even more challenging foes. Additionally, players will encounter larger outposts, new objectives like stealing a crying baby (or rather, a soulless Terminid larva), and an acid storm that affects armor.
One interesting aspect of the update is the changes made to the votekick system. Players can still kick others from the game, but the kicked player will spawn into their own session with a duplicate of their team’s loot. This unique approach aims to address the issue of grief kicking in Helldivers 2.
The Escalation of Freedom is set to release on August 6, and fans are eager to see what else Arrowhead Games has in store for them. The update will also provide insight into how the studio plans to expand on the Galactic War mechanic, which has been a key feature of the game’s live service model.