How to make and use the Crafter in Minecraft 1.21 update

How to make a Crafter in Minecraft: Recipe and ingredients

First thing first, to make a crafter, you’re going to need the right ingredients. Thankfully, this recipe isn’t too resource-heavy, and you should be able to pick most of these up pretty early on in your save.

  • 2x Redstone Dust
  • 5x Iron Ingot
  • 1x Dropper
  • 1x Crafting Table

Redstone Dust can be made by smelting Redstone Ore, which can be found underground and in caves. Iron Ingots are smelted pieces of Iron Ore, while a Droper is crafted by putting seven pieces of Cobblestone with a piece of Redstone Dust. Finally, the Crafting Table is one of the first things you make in the game by placing four wood planks in a square.

How to use a Crafter in Minecraft

Now that you’ve made your Crafter, it’s time to put it to work. First, place it down where you would like it, and right-click it. That will take you to the Crafter interface, which unsurprisingly looks like exactly like a regular Crafting Table.

For ease of use, the first thing you should do is place a Chest in front of the Crafter. Every time it works, it will spit out the item from the front, so putting something there to catch everything that comes out is a good idea.

If you want to set it up to craft a specific item every time you press a button, simply put the recipe of the item you want into the crafting area at the left, and place a button or a lever beside it. With this setup, you’ll be able to pump out as many of the items you want, all at the click of your mouse.

If you want to create an automatic Crafter that pumps things out continually, then things get a little more tricky. In all honesty, I’m not a Redstone savant, so I’m going to keep this pretty simple, but it works nicely and I recommend trying it out for yourself.

  1. Place your Crafter in the desired location, and place a Chest in front of it.
  2. Move five blocks left of the Crafter, dig up the block, and place a full block of Redstone down in that space.
  3. Go back to the crafter, and place two pieces of Redstone Dust in a line to the left. Then place another piece of Redstone Dust directly above the second piece.
  4. Place two Redstone Repeaters in front of the two pieces of Redstone Dust, facing towards the Redstone Block.
  5. Place two more pieces of Redstone Dust beside the Repeaters, connecting to the Redstone Block.
How to make and use the Crafter in Minecraft 1.21 update