Minecraft MCC Party 2024 Sands of Time Challenge guide
You can successfully escape the Sands of Time mini-game using the Nether Portal by the entrance. This portal is the only way out, as the map doesn’t seem to have any hidden exit points.
Players must survive for two minutes to complete the Sands of Time Challenge in the Minecraft MCC Party event. Stick around the entry area so you don’t stray too far from the portal. It may also be best to pick up some time boosts since you’ll initially start with two minutes. I suggest reaching the required duration with at least a few seconds to spare, giving you enough time to escape.
If you happen to get lost, use the portal signs to guide you back to the entrance. Fortunately, you’ll have plenty of time boosts on these pathways to increase your duration. Remember to grab some coins, too, which can be exchanged for rewards later on.
Once you use the portal to get out, the game should notify you of your successful escape. Those who don’t utilize this route will see a significant decrease in coins as a penalty for their failed attempt. Survive the two minutes and escape to complete the Sands of Time Challenge in the MCC x Minecraft 15th Anniversary Party. This feat will earn you the Victory Cartwheel Emote, allowing you to share your win with fellow crafters. There are still plenty more challenges to tackle, including the Mystery Cave. Complete them all to earn the prestigious MC Championship Cape.
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