One of 2024’s best games has been an absolute life-changer for its solo developer — and you need to make sure you’ve played it

Balatro’s Ascent in the Gaming World

In the dynamic realm of video games, there emerges a title that captivates both critics and gamers with its charm and innovative gameplay: Balatro. This gem has not only garnered high praise but has also transformed the life of its sole architect, known affectionately by the moniker localthunk. The past year has seen localthunk transition from hopeful developer to a celebrated creator whose passion has now become a flourishing career.

The indie sensation Balatro has triumphantly crossed the milestone of over 1 million copies sold, captivating players on both PC and console platforms. Its allure is undeniable, with a deck-building roguelike format that has been described as pure brilliance. The game’s addictive nature is such that “just one more run” soon turns into a marathon gaming session, where hours slip by unnoticed.

The success story of Balatro is as heartwarming as it is impressive. It stands proudly as the second highest scored game on Metacritic for the year, a testament to its quality and the dedication of its creator. Localthunk, who once contemplated a return to IT, now revels in the success that Balatro has brought. Tweets recalling the uncertain days before Balatro’s release are a stark contrast to the current reality of a dream realized.

This indie darling has not just captured hearts but has also sparked a flurry of activity on social platforms, with an impressive ranking on Twitch and high engagement on the Steam Deck. The game’s combination of Balatro with the Steam Deck is celebrated as a match made in heaven, offering an irresistible portable gaming experience.

Understanding the Balatro Phenomenon

Balatro’s essence is a fascinating blend of roguelike challenges with a poker-based gameplay system. For those unaccustomed to poker, fear not, as Balatro extends beyond traditional card game boundaries. It invites players to craft the ultimate deck, leveraging jokers and multipliers to achieve staggering high scores. The gameplay mixes strategy and chance in a loop that’s endlessly entertaining, even when a rogue boss or a miscalculated move spells the end of a run.

The game’s unforgiving nature is matched by its ability to entice players back time and again for “one more run,” a testament to its well-crafted gameplay loop. Friends and fans struggle to articulate exactly what makes Balatro so compelling, but the cascade of gleeful reviews on Steam provides a glimpse into its addictive charm. The consensus is clear: Balatro is not just a game you play, but an experience you live, a title that’s easy to start but a challenge to master, and absolutely impossible to put down.

One of 2024's best games has been an absolute life-changer for its solo developer — and you need to make sure you've played it