Most modern games rely on real-time asset loading, making storage choice crucial for optimal gaming. A slow SSD or HDD can lead to long loading times and performance issues.
1. Disabling NTFS Last Access Time can improve loading speeds by reducing disk overhead. This can be done via Command Prompt with the command:
fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 1
2. Enabling Large System Cache can enhance performance for games with substantial assets, requiring at least 16 GB of RAM and editing the Windows Registry.
3. Disabling antivirus scanning for the game folder can reduce loading times by preventing real-time scans. This can be done through Windows Security settings.
4. Using an exFAT drive can efficiently process large files, which may benefit games with sizable assets. This involves creating a new volume in Disk Management.
5. Disabling Full-Screen Optimizations can reduce input lag and improve performance by changing settings in the game's executable properties.
6. Increasing Shader Cache Size can improve loading times, with Nvidia users advised to set it to 10 GB or Unlimited in the Nvidia Control Panel.
7. Using a third-party cache management program like PrimoCache can enhance loading times by reserving RAM for caching frequently used programs.