The Competition Commission of India (CCI) concluded its examination of a complaint against Microsoft regarding the bundling of antivirus software with its Windows operating system. The CCI found that users can choose antivirus solutions beyond Microsoft Defender and that there was no substantial evidence of market foreclosure in the antivirus sector. The complaint alleged that Microsoft forces OEMs to include Microsoft Security Essentials, limiting competition for third-party antivirus vendors. Microsoft has bundled Microsoft Defender with Windows since 2015 and argued that it aligns with industry standards. The CCI determined that Microsoft holds a dominant position in the antivirus software market for Windows OS in India but found no coercion compelling users to use both products together. The CCI also noted that multiple antivirus vendors continue to operate in the market without significant barriers. The case highlighted issues of consumer inertia and the implications of default settings in digital markets, suggesting that pre-installed options may restrict consumer choice.