Microsoft's AI feature, Recall, was initially believed to be uninstallable in Windows 11 24H2, but the company clarified that this was a glitch and will be corrected in a future update. Users can still disable the feature, which was originally set to be enabled by default on new Copilot+ PCs but has shifted to an opt-in model due to security concerns. The upcoming update for Recall will include enhanced security protocols, requiring Windows Hello and full encryption, with a preview expected in October. Recall requires a neural processing unit (NPU) capable of at least 40 Tera Operations Per Second (TOPS), making it incompatible with older PCs and many current-generation Intel laptops. Recall was marketed as a key feature of the advanced NPUs in the Copilot+ series, which are powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Arm chips, offering improved battery life and efficiency.