download and install

February 20, 2025
The Amazon Appstore, introduced in March 2011 for Android phones and tablets, will be discontinued for Android devices on August 20, 2025. Users will no longer be able to download or install applications from the Appstore on Android devices, and there is no guarantee that previously installed apps will continue to function after this date. The Appstore will remain operational for Fire Tablet and Fire TV devices. Users could previously synchronize app purchases across devices, but this feature will end with the discontinuation. The Appstore initially offered a "free app of the day" promotion, and many users may have older paid apps linked to their Amazon accounts, which will only be accessible via Amazon Fire devices after August. Amazon is allowing a six-month period for users to adapt and cancel subscriptions tied to the Appstore. Additionally, Amazon is phasing out Amazon Coins, with purchases ending on February 20, 2025, but users can use remaining balances until August 20, 2025, after which unspent Coins will be refunded.
February 18, 2025
The update KB5051987 for Windows 11 24H2 aimed to enhance security and user experience but has led to numerous issues. Users have reported unresponsiveness in File Explorer, with the application freezing or failing to open. Some users experience a black desktop, and attempts at system restoration or reinstallation have not resolved the problems. Many users are unable to install the update due to persistent error messages, leading to an endless update loop. Clearing the software distribution folder may help, but patience is required. Camera functionality has also been affected, with systems failing to recognize webcams. Additional issues include performance drops during gaming, installation errors in Windows Sandbox, glitches in taskbar preview animations, and some users being unable to boot into Windows. Uninstalling the update is an option for those facing severe issues, but it leaves systems vulnerable until Microsoft addresses the problems.
February 16, 2025
Many users prefer the Windows 10 Start menu over the Windows 11 version due to its flexibility and customization options. The third-party application Windhawk offers modifications that allow users to recreate the Windows 10 Start menu experience while using Windows 11. One notable feature of Windhawk is a mod that presents pinned apps centered, a complete app list on the left, and recommended content on the right, reducing the number of clicks needed to access applications. To customize the Start menu layout using Windhawk, users need to download and install the application, find the "Windows 11 Start Menu Styler" mod, paste the appropriate code in the "Advanced" tab, and save the changes. The mod provides a high level of customization for the Start menu, improving usability compared to the default Windows 11 layout.
February 15, 2025
Windows 11 24H2 is now available for a wider range of ASUS PCs after a BIOS update that resolves a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) issue. Initially, the update was accessible only to systems using the Auto HDR feature. Certain ASUS models, such as the X415KA and X515KA, faced crashes during the update process due to compatibility issues linked to specific hardware features. A new BIOS patch has been released via Windows Update for affected ASUS PCs, which is necessary for certain configurations. ASUS BIOS versions 311 or older are not eligible for the Windows 11 24H2 update. This BIOS update is classified as a Critical Update and will not install automatically. Ongoing issues that may block the update include audio output loss on PCs with Dirac Audio, older versions of Safe Exam Browser failing to launch, BSOD errors on Intel Alder Lake+ and vPro systems, problems with third-party wallpaper applications, and BSODs related to specific Intel SST driver versions.
February 11, 2025
Researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have developed CraftCells, a project that allows users to explore 3D models of biological cells within Minecraft. The project includes models of a yeast cell, healthy and cancerous epithelial cells, and a minimally viable bacterial cell. Users can interact with these models using modified Minecraft tools, including a rollercoaster ride inside a bacterial cell. The 3D representations help illustrate differences between healthy and cancerous cells, such as the elongated shape and enlarged nucleoli of cancer cells. The researchers published an article on CraftCells as an educational tool and made the Minecraft files available on GitHub for public access.
February 6, 2025
Ubuntu is the leading Linux distribution on the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and has been designated as the default distro. Canonical has introduced a new installation process using Microsoft's tar-based distribution model, replacing appx bundles from the Microsoft Store. This model allows for easier customization and deployment of Ubuntu instances, enabling users to manage WSL instances directly from tar files. The installation process for WSL 2 has been simplified with the command wsl --install Ubuntu. Key benefits of the tar-based model include independence from Windows Packaged Apps, customization options for developers and administrators, and a simplified installation process. Users can download the tar-based .wsl file from Ubuntu and install it easily. Other distributions like Fedora and Arch Linux are also planning to provide official images for WSL.
February 6, 2025
Microsoft has released a PowerShell script to help users and administrators update bootable media, integrating the "Windows UEFI CA 2023" certificate. This update is in response to the BlackLotus UEFI bootkit, which can bypass Secure Boot and disable Windows security features. Microsoft has issued prior updates in March 2023 and plans additional measures for July 2024, addressing a Secure Boot bypass vulnerability (CVE-2023-24932). The fix will be rolled out in phases before full enforcement anticipated by 2026. The update will include the "Windows UEFI CA 2023" certificate in the UEFI Secure Boot Signature Database and revoke the "Windows Production CA 2011" certificate for older boot managers. Administrators are advised to update bootable media to use the new certificate to avoid booting issues. The PowerShell script is compatible with various media formats and requires the Windows ADK for functionality. Microsoft recommends thorough testing before the enforcement phase, which will begin by the end of 2026, with a six-month notice prior to implementation.