Line mobile messenger app

May 5, 2024
- Japan's government has called for a restructuring of the partnership between Naver and SoftBank over the Line mobile messenger app following a data breach that exposed Line users' personal information through Naver's cloud server. - Naver CEO Choi Soo-yeon stated that Naver's decision-making regarding the guidance will be informed by its broader business strategy. - The Korean government has pledged cooperation to address Japan's guidance, with ongoing discussions taking place. - Both ruling and opposition parties in Korea have criticized Japan's guidance as excessive and discriminatory. - The Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication clarified that its guidance is non-binding. - SoftBank is in negotiations with Naver to purchase a portion of its stake in A Holdings, the joint venture that owns LY Corp. - Naver's CEO will communicate the company's official stance once a comprehensive plan is in place.
April 28, 2024
The Japanese government is seeking to diminish Naver's involvement in the management of the Line mobile messenger app due to concerns over a data breach and financial influence. SoftBank is in discussions with Naver to potentially purchase a portion of Naver's stake in LY Corp, raising fears that Naver may lose its control over Line. Korean officials are committed to engaging with Naver to address the situation and prevent further escalation. Naver has not commented on the matter, but LY Corp has requested Naver to reassess their partnership.