Ominous Bottle

June 19, 2024
The Regular and Ominous Vaults in Minecraft have different loot tables. The Regular Vault has items such as emeralds, arrows, iron ingots, and enchanted books, while the Ominous Vault has items like emeralds, wind charges, diamonds, and enchanted golden apples. Each vault will drop three to six sets of loot, with a chance of receiving nothing for a set of loot.
June 18, 2024
Ominous bottles are a drop from pillager raid captains in Minecraft 1.21. Drinking an Ominous bottle grants the Bad Omen effect, leading to a village raid or an Ominous trial.
June 16, 2024
- Tricky Trials update introduces Trial Chambers filled with traps and challenges for players to overcome. - Players must defeat enemies in Trials to earn a trial key and access the Vault for loot. - New mobs introduced in Tricky Trials are the breeze and the bogged. - The mace is a new weapon that players can craft after besting an ominous trial. - Auto crafter allows players to automate crafting in Minecraft. - Tricky Trials update adds a vast quantity of new items and blocks to the game.
June 16, 2024
To get an Ominous Bottle in Minecraft, you can defeat a pillager holding an ominous banner or find one in a pillager outpost. Consuming an Ominous Bottle activates different effects depending on your location, such as turning trial spawners into ominous trial spawners or starting a raid on a village. The main reason to use an Ominous Bottle is to obtain better loot while exploring Trial Chambers.