Ominous Trial Key

June 19, 2024
The Regular and Ominous Vaults in Minecraft have different loot tables. The Regular Vault has items such as emeralds, arrows, iron ingots, and enchanted books, while the Ominous Vault has items like emeralds, wind charges, diamonds, and enchanted golden apples. Each vault will drop three to six sets of loot, with a chance of receiving nothing for a set of loot.
June 14, 2024
To get an Ominous Trial Key in Minecraft, you must clear the Ominous Trial Spawner, which appears when you have the Bad Omen effect. The easiest way to get the Bad Omen effect is to drink the Ominous Bottle that drops from regular Vaults inside the Trial Chamber. Once you have the effect, enter the Trial Chamber to trigger the Ominous Trial event, which transforms Trial Spawners into the Ominous Trial Spawners. Clear the Ominous spawners to potentially find the Ominous Trial Key, which can be used to open the Ominous Vault for rewards such as Diamonds, Emeralds, and Enchanted Crossbows.