security code

December 13, 2024
Windows Recall is a feature introduced in the Windows 11, version 24H2 update, exclusive to Copilot+ PCs, which captures snapshots of the user's screen at regular intervals and uses on-device AI to analyze the content. Microsoft has implemented a setting to filter out sensitive information from these snapshots, aiming to prevent the capture of data from applications or websites that handle sensitive information. However, a report indicated that Windows Recall still captured sensitive financial information, including credit card numbers, despite the filtering setting being enabled. Testing showed inconsistent results, as sensitive fields were captured in some contexts but not in others. Windows Recall is currently in beta and available through Microsoft's Windows 11 preview program, with Microsoft actively seeking user feedback to improve the feature before its official launch.
November 14, 2024
Google has introduced the Android System Key Verifier app as part of its latest Google Play System update to enhance user security in digital communication. The app allows users to confirm the identity of messaging recipients by scanning a QR code, generating a unique key, and requesting a security code for verification. If there is a discrepancy, the device will issue an alert. The app utilizes the Contact Keys feature for securely storing end-to-end encryption keys and is currently available on devices like the Pixel 6, although testing has been limited due to a lack of compatible applications. The Contact Keys feature was initially unveiled with Android 15, and its integration into Google Play Services allows all devices running Android 10 and above to benefit from this security measure.