smartphone security

February 25, 2025
URLCheck is an open-source application for Android that enhances link management by intercepting links before they are followed, allowing users to view, modify, or disregard them. It integrates with the VirusTotal API for threat checking, although users must sign up to use this feature. The app removes tracking tags and unnecessary redirects when sharing links. To set up URLCheck, users need to download it, select it as the default browser, and enable preferred modules. While URLCheck improves security, it does not guarantee complete safety online and requires users to exercise caution. The app only intercepts links from applications that redirect to a browser, and users must use the share menu to check URLs within their browser.
May 4, 2024
Oversecured identified vulnerabilities in Xiaomi's Android applications and Google's AOSP, including unauthorized access to system privileges, theft of files, and exposure of sensitive user data. Xiaomi has since fortified its security measures, while Google swiftly applied patches to address the vulnerabilities in their ecosystem.