Wind Burst enchantment

July 30, 2024
Enchanting a pickaxe in Minecraft allows players to extract multiple diamonds from a single ore block, turning four Diamond ores into 12 Diamonds. The Mace can be enhanced with nine enchantments: Bane of Arthropods, Breach, Curse of Vanishing, Density, Fire Aspect, Mending, Smite, Unbreaking, and Wind Burst. - Bane of Arthropods: Increases damage against arthropods (max level V). - Breach: Reduces target armor effectiveness by 15% per level, capping at 60% (max level IV). - Curse of Vanishing: Causes the item to disappear on player death (max level I). - Density: Increases damage dealt per fallen block by 0.5 per level, with a maximum increase of 2.5 damage per fallen block (max level V). - Fire Aspect: Sets targets hit on fire (max level II). - Mending: Causes the Mace to regenerate durability from experience (max level I). - Smite: Increases damage against undead mobs (max level V). - Unbreaking: Increases the durability of the Mace (max level III). - Wind Burst: Creates a Wind Burst on hit that sends the player into the air, elevating by seven blocks per level, reaching a maximum height of 21 blocks (max level III). Wind Burst forfeits fall damage protection, making Feather Falling recommended.