An Arch Linux image for the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is being developed by Arch Linux package maintainer Robin Candau. Microsoft has shown interest in supporting this project, which will feature a monthly update cycle similar to Fedora 42. Key aspects include:
- A dedicated repository for Arch Linux WSL will be created on Arch Linux's GitLab.
- Monthly images for Arch Linux WSL will be automatically built and published using Docker/container images with systemd support.
- The image will not be available through the Microsoft Store but can be downloaded as tarballs for installation on Windows.
- Technical support will be provided on a best-effort basis for WSL2, with no support for WSL1.
- Arch Linux staff are not obligated to provide assistance.
Previous attempts to run Arch Linux on WSL exist, but this official initiative adds legitimacy. Robin is ready to work with the Arch Linux DevOps team to start the setup unless significant objections arise. An experimental repository is available on GitLab for further exploration.