How to find and use lockpicks in Avowed

A fantasy RPG without lockpicking feels incomplete, akin to a side-scrolling beat-em-up missing its roast chicken pickups or an immersive sim devoid of vents. The act of manipulating locks to unveil hidden treasures is one of the delightful nuances that enrich a well-crafted open-world RPG, and Avowed, developed by Obsidian, is no exception. Here, the lockpicking mechanic is refreshingly straightforward, avoiding the convoluted minigames that can often frustrate players. Instead of spending precious minutes on a lock only to discover a mundane reward, Avowed offers a more direct approach to this classic gameplay element.

How does lockpicking work in Avowed?

In Avowed, lockpicking operates differently than in many other RPGs. There is no reliance on ability or skill checks; rather, a locked chest simply indicates the number of lockpicks required to open it. The difficulty of the chest dictates the number of lockpicks needed, with a maximum requirement of five. If you possess the necessary lockpicks, all it takes is a simple press of the action key to unlock the treasure within. This streamlined process ensures that players can focus on their adventures without the frustration of complex mechanics.

Interestingly, the world of Avowed does not incorporate a concept of theft. This means players can freely open and search through chests without the worry of being caught or penalized. If you can see it, you can take it—an inviting premise for those eager to explore the game’s rich environments.

Where to find lockpicks?

Lockpicks can be acquired from various sources throughout the game. They are available for purchase at merchants, can be dropped by defeated enemies, or discovered in the wild. Bandits, in particular, have a higher likelihood of dropping lockpicks compared to other foes. However, they are not abundantly scattered across the wilderness, making it more practical to stock up at merchants before embarking on your quests.

The good news is that multiple merchants across different regions sell lockpicks, making them relatively easy to obtain. Additionally, vendors restock their supplies every few days, alleviating concerns about running out. Here are some guaranteed locations to find lockpicks in the first two regions:


  • Lynna (Claviger’s Landing, near docks)
  • Shantytown Merchant (Paradis Shantytown)
  • Flint (The Grinning Balarok)
  • Kerthed “Cutty” Colen (Paradis Hightown)

Emerald Stair:

  • Stephan (Essence of War in Fior mes Iverno)
  • Alyssa (just north of Naku Tedek Grounds)
  • Merchant Emilio (Emerald Stair Coastal Farms)

While merchants have limited supplies of lockpicks and do not seem to replenish their stock, this should not pose a significant issue. Locked chests are relatively rare, so by purchasing lockpicks whenever possible and collecting any found in the wild, players can maintain a sufficient inventory to unlock the treasures scattered throughout the game.

How to find and use lockpicks in Avowed