Leaked Images from Upcoming Minecraft Film
Images from the upcoming Minecraft film, starring Jack Black and Jason Momoa, recently leaked online and fans reactions have been… less than stellar.
The Minecraft movie hasn’t had the smoothest of productions ever since it was announced back in 2014. The film has gone through a few scheduling and production woes over the last decade, following its initial announcement back in 2015 that had It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia star Rob McElhenney attached to direct.
As of 2019, Napoleon Dynamite and Nacho Libre director Jared Hess was brought on to take over directorial duties and both Jason Momoa and Jack Black were revealed to be starring in the live-action adaptation not long after.
Everyone online was very quick to (justifiably) state that a live-action Minecraft film sounded like a very, very silly idea, and the new images from the film that recently leaked has likely proven everyone correct.
Now, we cannot show you said images (lest we incur the wrath of Warner Bros. Pictures) but we can describe them to you. And, well, it’s Jack Black dressed as Minecraft’s hero Steve. Admittedly the Jack Black portion of the leaked images looks fine. Would have been pretty difficult to mess that bit up however, considering Steve’s outfit is just a bloke wearing a t-shirt and some jeans.
The other leaked images are what drew the most ire though, with several people taking issue with how “furry” the textures for the Creeper model look. It really does look somewhat akin to a very phallic, green Furby.
The comments in the Reddit thread that leaked the image (which has since been removed via copyright strike, essentially confirming its validity) were less than complimentary about the film’s prospects. “This will be a movie”, dryly stated one commenter. Another commenter was a bit more on the nose with their assessment, saying that “this will be the worst movie of all time and I am SO ready to watch it.”
Now, hey, just because some leaked images look a little rough and the film has been going through some production difficulties for a solid decade, it doesn’t necessarily mean the film will ended up being awful. After all, we have had a few decent video game related titles come out in recent memory, like 2019’s Pokémon Detective Pikachu and 2020’s Sonic the Hedgehog. In-between then and now we did also get Five Nights at Freddy’s, Monster Hunter and Uncharted though, so maybe don’t hold your breath.