To ‘appease the people who thought the game was too long,’ an Alien: Isolation modder trimmed the campaign length down to a svelte 46 seconds

In the realm of gaming, few can rival the dedication of those who nurture a personal vendetta over the years. This commitment to the craft of criticism is not merely about throwing shade; it’s an art form that requires patience and precision. Take, for instance, the case of Matt Filer, a modder who has spent nearly a decade crafting modifications for the iconic horror title, Alien: Isolation, all while playfully addressing its critiques from 2014.

Revisiting Alien: Isolation

Alien: Isolation has rightfully earned its place in the pantheon of video game horror, masterfully reviving the menacing presence of the xenomorph. Yet, upon its release, critics echoed a common sentiment: the game’s length could be its downfall. Many felt that the experience, while exhilarating, could have reached a satisfying conclusion much sooner than its typical 20-hour playtime.

Filer, having finally concluded his long-standing engagement with the game, articulated this sentiment well. He noted, “The first half of Alien: Isolation is truly exceptional and terrifying, and there’s an argument it should have ended at around the 10-12 hour mark. You defeat the xenomorph, time to celebrate. But no, there’s more.”

In a clever twist, Filer has responded to these concerns just in time for Halloween with his latest mod, aptly named Impossible Campaign. This innovative modification dramatically reduces the gameplay duration, allowing players to reach the conclusion in less than a minute. “Are you happy now?” he quips, showcasing a blend of humor and ingenuity.

Filer’s mod significantly condenses the narrative by introducing xenomorphs to LV426, leading to a series of unfortunate events for Marlow’s team. As a result, they never uncover Ellen Ripley’s flight recorder, preventing their arrival at Sevastopol and the subsequent xenomorph outbreak. The game, under this new mod, typically wraps up in under a minute, epitomizing efficiency in storytelling.

While the cheekiness of Filer’s mod is undeniable, it also serves as a testament to his OpenCAGE toolkit. This open-source modding suite, developed by Filer himself, allows for extensive editing of the game’s assets and scripting capabilities. Over the past year, he has utilized these tools to experiment with various modifications, including swapping the xenomorph for Thomas the Tank Engine and unleashing it in Counter-Strike maps.

For those who may have missed out on Alien: Isolation when it first launched in 2014, there’s good news. The game is currently available on Steam for just . However, prospective players might want to consider if that price is worth it for a playthrough that lasts only a minute.

To 'appease the people who thought the game was too long,' an Alien: Isolation modder trimmed the campaign length down to a svelte 46 seconds