You can use Chocolatey the next time you set up a Windows PC to install everything you need at once

Setting up a new PC can be an exhilarating experience, yet the process of manually installing applications can quickly turn tedious. Enter Chocolatey, a powerful package manager designed to streamline this process. With Chocolatey, users can automate the installation of multiple applications simultaneously, transforming what could be a lengthy task into a swift and efficient operation.

What is Chocolatey?

Chocolatey serves as a command-line package manager for Windows, akin to Homebrew for macOS. It enables users to install, update, and uninstall applications with simple commands, eliminating the need for repetitive downloads and installations. With over 10,000 community-managed application packages available, it acts as a comprehensive command-line app store, making it a valuable tool for both casual users and IT professionals.

How to Install Chocolatey on Windows 10 or 11

To begin utilizing Chocolatey, installation is necessary. This straightforward process requires administrative rights and a basic understanding of Windows PowerShell. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Search for Windows PowerShell in the Windows search bar, right-click the icon, and select Run as Administrator.
  2. Type or copy-paste the command Get-ExecutionPolicy and hit Enter.
  3. If it shows Unrestricted, you’re good to go. If it displays Restricted, run either Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned or Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process.
  4. To install Chocolatey, copy and paste the following command and hit Enter: Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(‘’)).
  5. Wait a few seconds for the installation to complete; don’t be intimidated by the command line messages.
  6. If no error messages appear, Chocolatey has been successfully installed. It’s advisable to re-open Windows PowerShell to finalize the setup.

How to Install Chocolatey GUI

Initially, Chocolatey was only accessible via command-line tools. To cater to a broader audience, a user-friendly GUI version was introduced. Here’s how to install it:

  1. After installing Chocolatey, relaunch Windows PowerShell with administrator rights.
  2. In the command line, type choco install chocolateygui and press Enter.
  3. When prompted, type Y to allow the scripts to run for the installation, or A to permit all future scripts.
  4. After several packages are processed, Chocolatey GUI will be installed.
  5. Exit Windows PowerShell and search for Chocolatey GUI in the Windows search box. Right-click its icon and select Run as Administrator.
  6. The program will launch and be ready for use.

How to Install Apps Using Chocolatey

Install Apps Using Chocolatey GUI

  1. Launch Chocolatey GUI with administrator rights.
  2. Navigate to the Chocolatey section to search for programs to install.
  3. Scroll through the app list or use the search box to find your desired applications.
  4. Right-click on the app you wish to install and select Install.
  5. Installation may take several minutes, depending on the app size.
  6. After installation, access the app from the This PC section of Chocolatey or via the Windows search box.

Install a Single App Using the Chocolatey Command Line

For those who prefer more control over their installations, the command line offers a robust alternative. Here’s how:

  1. Open Windows PowerShell as an administrator.
  2. Search for a program using choco search followed by the app name.
  3. Copy the installation syntax of the package.
  4. Paste it into the PowerShell command line and hit Enter to begin installation.
  5. Press Y or A to confirm the installation.
  6. The installation process will complete in a few seconds or minutes, depending on the package size.

Install Multiple Apps Together Using the Chocolatey Command Line

To install multiple applications simultaneously, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Chocolatey community page and select the apps you wish to install.
  2. Add them to an installation builder by clicking the add (+) icon next to each package.
  3. Click the Builder button to proceed.
  4. Generate the installation script and review your selections.
  5. Choose the integration method and click Next.
  6. Copy the installation script into PowerShell or save the configuration file to run it later.
  7. Ignore any warnings and proceed with the installation.

With Chocolatey, the once-daunting task of setting up a new PC becomes a seamless experience. Whether installing a single app or multiple applications at once, Chocolatey simplifies the process, allowing users to focus on what truly matters—enjoying their new setup.

You can use Chocolatey the next time you set up a Windows PC to install everything you need at once