Hit SNK fighting game Garou: Mark of the Wolves is the latest entry in the ACA NEOGEO series

Garou: Mark of the Wolves Hits Mobile

It’s time to tape up your fists and get ready for a visit to Southtown, as Garou: Mark of the Wolves once more blasts onto smartphones with a new rerelease out now on iOS and Android! This SNK classic is coming roaring into 2024 with an arcade-quality version as the ACA NEOGEO version of Garou finally hits mobile.

SNK is arguably the dark horse of fighting games. While they don’t boast the global recognition or success of series like Street Fighter or Tekken, they arguably have just as great and unique a catalogue of series, with top names like King of Fighters, Fatal Fury and Samurai Shodown all garnering huge cult recognition over the years.

Garou: Mark of the Wolves is part of the Fatal Fury line of games, and while it was released for mobile way back in 2015, it hasn’t been in the best state since. But as part of their line of ACA NEOGEO games ported in partnership with Hamster Corporation, you can now play Garou: Mark of the Wolves on mobile in the most authentic way yet!

Bark at the moon

While it’s not the easiest difference to nail down, essentially the ACA NEOGEO versions of SNK’s games seem to focus on reproducing the original NeoGeo releases of the games, which often sold themselves on being the same as the arcade. The NeoGeo of course was an extremely expensive console, with massive cartridges that were for all intents and purposes the same as the boards used in actual arcade cabinets.

Want to see what other great games have caught our eye this week? Well, why not dig into the latest entry in our regular feature of the top five new mobile games this week?

Better yet you can also dig into our other list of the best mobile games of 2024 (so far) for even more picks from throughout the last seven months of releases!

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Hit SNK fighting game Garou: Mark of the Wolves is the latest entry in the ACA NEOGEO series