Telegram is NOT an Encrypted Messaging App, Must-See Documentaries

In a recent episode, the discussion turned to the unexpected arrest of Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, in France. This incident has reignited debates surrounding the app’s encryption claims, prompting questions about the true nature of its security features. Co-host Kevin Johnson joined the conversation, offering his characteristic insights and opinions on the matter.

Documentary Highlights

The episode also delved into a couple of fascinating documentaries that have captured public interest. The first, ‘LulaRich’, explores the rise and fall of the LuLaRoe leggings company, shedding light on its controversial business practices. Meanwhile, ‘Class Action Park’ takes viewers on a nostalgic yet cautionary journey through a notoriously dangerous theme park in New Jersey, revealing the perils that lurked behind its attractions.

Listeners are encouraged to tune in for an engaging discussion that intertwines current events with cultural commentary, providing a well-rounded perspective on these intriguing topics.

Links mentioned on the show

  • The Arrest of Pavel Durov Is a Reminder That Telegram Is Not Encrypted
    Read more here
  • The girl Pavel Durov wanted to show around Paris
    View the post
  • 1834: The First Cyberattack
    <a href="”>Discover the history
  • LuLaRich Documentary (Amazon Prime)
    Watch on IMDb
  • Class Action Park Documentary (HBO Max)
    Watch on IMDb

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Telegram is NOT an Encrypted Messaging App, Must-See Documentaries