Samsung’s anticipated XR headset, known as Project Moohan, is set to make its debut within the next year, though specifics about its functionality remain largely under wraps. The device will be powered by the Snapdragon XR Plus Gen 2 chip, but details beyond this hardware specification are scarce. However, a recent post on the Android XR developer blog has provided a tantalizing glimpse into the potential interface and applications of the headset.
Insights from the Android XR Developer Blog
The blog features a brief six-second video showcasing a selection of app windows layered over real-world environments. While the visuals are limited, they offer a sneak peek into how applications might appear when accessed through an Android XR headset. Notably, the design of these app windows does not stray far from the familiar layout seen on Android tablets.
Android XR introduces two distinct modes: Home Space and Full Space. Home Space presents a multitasking interface, allowing users to view multiple app windows alongside their actual surroundings. In contrast, Full Space offers a singular window experience, set against a virtual backdrop. Home Space is designated as the default view, with a simple toggle enabling users to switch between these modes seamlessly.
While the specific design of Samsung’s app windows remains to be seen, it is reasonable to expect that they will reflect the unique aesthetic of Samsung’s One UI, which differentiates its devices from other Android offerings. This could result in a visually distinct experience, even within the framework of Android XR.
Furthermore, Google has confirmed that Android XR will accommodate a variety of input methods, including hand and eye tracking, voice commands, keyboard and mouse, and dedicated controllers. The inclusion of hand tracking will enable gesture controls, reminiscent of those found in Apple’s Vision Pro and Apple Watch 9, enhancing user interaction with the virtual environment.
As CES 2025 approaches, commencing on January 7, anticipation builds for further revelations regarding Samsung’s headset. The event promises to unveil more about the innovative features and capabilities that Samsung has in store for its users.