VR games surge on Android as Meta Quest 3 drives 60% growth

Virtual Reality Games on Android See Significant User Growth in 2024

Virtual reality games on Android experienced a surge in popularity in 2024, with 13 million new users joining the platform. This marked a 60% increase from the previous year, according to data from app growth solutions company Splitmetrics. The excitement surrounding new VR devices like the Meta Quest 3 drove this record-breaking growth in the VR gaming sector.

Android VR game downloads skyrocketed by 198% in December 2024 compared to April 2023, prior to the headset’s announcement. Additionally, VR game portals such as Google’s Cardboard app and the Meta Quest app reached a combined 56 million lifetime downloads on Google Play.

The Meta Horizon app experienced a 254% surge in Android downloads in December 2024 following the launch of the Meta Quest 3. December 2024 also showcased the impact of seasonality, with Android VR game downloads increasing by 115% compared to the same month in 2023.

Among the 28 VR games analyzed, the top five most downloaded in 2024 were Rec Room – Play with friends! (7.3 million), VR Roller Coaster 360 (815K), VR Thrills Roller Coaster Game (733K), Sky On Fire: 1940 (596K), and VRChat (559K).

Continuous Growth

“2024 was a significant year for the VR and XR industries,” said Splitmetrics Agency general manager Thomas Kriebernegg. “The record-breaking growth of the VR gaming sector demonstrates that VR is not just a passing trend and has a promising future.”

“As the market becomes more competitive, developers will need to focus on innovative marketing campaigns to sustain and boost their app performance. Optimizing app storefronts and capitalizing on important calendar events, such as Christmas or new device launches, can drive growth without requiring a large advertising budget.”

VR games surge on Android as Meta Quest 3 drives 60% growth