Microsoft’s Xbox to sell games directly through Android app, taking advantage of US ruling against Google – Times of India

Microsoft is poised to enhance the gaming experience for Android users by introducing a direct sales model for Xbox games through its Android app, set to launch in November. This strategic move comes on the heels of a significant ruling by a federal court, which found Google’s Android app store to be an illegal monopoly. The ruling mandates that Google must open its platform to competition, allowing third-party app stores and alternative payment systems for a period of three years.

Empowering Users with Choice

In a recent announcement via social media, Xbox President Sarah Bond emphasized that this change will provide “more choice and flexibility” for gamers in the United States. With the updated Xbox Android app, users will be able to purchase games directly and enjoy them instantly through Xbox Cloud Gaming, effectively streamlining the mobile gaming experience. This integration will consolidate various features that were previously scattered across multiple applications, making it easier for users to access their favorite titles.

This development aligns with Microsoft’s broader strategy to strengthen its presence in the mobile gaming sector. The company has been exploring various avenues, including a browser-based Xbox mobile store, which was initially expected to debut in July. This store aims to feature first-party mobile games developed by Microsoft’s own studios, further expanding the gaming options available to users.

As Microsoft capitalizes on this opportunity, Google has indicated its intention to appeal the court’s decision. Nevertheless, Microsoft’s swift action suggests a readiness to adapt and thrive in a changing mobile landscape. The implications of this ruling extend beyond Microsoft, raising questions about how other game publishers and app developers will navigate the evolving ecosystem.

Microsoft's Xbox to sell games directly through Android app, taking advantage of US ruling against Google - Times of India